What other Mediums are saying about Debbie
I've known and worked with Debbie for the last five years.
All I can say is that she is a FANTASTIC medium and healer.
Her genuine and gentle nature shows when she delivers messages from our loved ones in heaven, she will give you a full description and the character of the person(s) in spirit that you will feel she knows them so well. She's a true professional and has conformed her Mediumistic education with great teachers from abroad and will show through her impeccable ethics and work.
Ana Leyva Spirit Medium.
Debbie Darbyshire – Owner of Mystic Healing LLC
Psychic Medium and Mystic
Debbie is a qualified psychic medium and mystic healer who gives accurate readings through a range of mediums.
Debbie is a professional and Certified Graduate of Arthur Findlay College 4yr Mentorship Program 2023.
Debbie is a spiritual consultant, who uses her intuition to offer guidance to all of her clients, encouraging them to move in a positive direction and face the challenges that may lie ahead of them.
When you schedule your psychic medium reading with Debbie, you will receive a detailed and highly accurate reading that covers the aspects of your life where you feel you need the most guidance.
Areas covered include:

Psychic Medium or Spiritual Assessment Reading
Career: New Opportunities and Promotion

Guidance for Future Goals and Desires
Inner Growth and Spiritual Development
All sessions must be done face-to-face to ensure the most accurate results. Please contact us for any personal queries
Disclaimer: When Debbie gives readings, she endeavors through use of her psychic and mediumistic abilities to communicate “spiritually with loved ones that are no longer physically in this world”. You must understand when booking a session with Debbie, she will use her efforts to connect with the World of Spirit and provide the benefit of her abilities to you. Debbie is not a medical doctor, psychologist,psychiatrist,lawyer, or practitioner of any recognized healing art or other discipline. Debbie offers her time and advice solely for you to use as you wish. There are no guarantees that you will receive any benefit from Debbie’s reading. Debbie urges all her clients to seek professional services from licensed medical doctors and professionals when relevant.